Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research (ISSN: 2456-8899) aims to publish research papers, reviews and short communications in the areas of medicine and medical research.  JAMMR will not only publish traditional full research reports, including short communications, but also this journal will publish reports/articles on all stages of the research process like study protocols, pilot studies and pre-protocols. JAMMR is novelty attracting, open minded, peer-reviewed medical periodical, designed to serve as a perfectly new platform for both mainstream and new ground shaking works as long as they are technically correct and scientifically motivated. The journal also encourages the submission of useful reports of negative results. This is a quality controlled, OPEN peer reviewed, open access INTERNATIONAL journal.

Current Issue

2025 - Volume 37 [Issue 1]

Case Report

Rare Case of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Presenting as Subcutaneous Swelling and Nodular Pleural Thickening: A Case Report

Shiv Gaurav Rajput, Shubhangi Gupta, Udaya Bhaskarini Vakamudi, Calicut Muthukrishnan Sreedhar

Therapeutic Management of a Single Peritoneal Metastasis in Colorectal Cancer: A Case Report

Imane Chahbounia, Saida Lamine, Elm’hadi Choukri, Khaoula Alaoui Slimani, Rachid Tanz, Hassan Errihani, Mohammed Ichou

Generalized Odontodysplasia: A Rare Case with 19-Year Follow-up

Julia Backes Mosconi, Helena Irene Ferrari, Laerte Luiz Bremm, Adriano Tomio Hoshi

Efficacy of Bone Graft and Photobiomodulation in Alveolar Preservation: A Case Report in a Post-Bariatric Surgery Patient

Erika da Silva Mello, Glaucia Gonçales Abud Machado, Cícero Dayves da Silva Bezerra, Vanessa Dalapria, Luciana Toledo Costa Salviato, Anna Carolina Ratto Tempestini Horliana, Alessandro Melo Deana

Systematic Review Article

Analysis and Comparison of the Defocus Curve of the Most Used Premium Intraocular Trifocal Lenses in Brazil: A Systematic Literature Review

Igor Jordan Barbosa Coutinho, José Jesu Sisnando d'Araújo Filho, João Marcos Silva do Nascimento, Laíse Nascimento Nunes, Igor Costa Parente, Pablo de Melo Maranhão Pereira, Joacy Pedro Franco David, Kylza Beatriz Souza de Oliveira, Rodrigo Jorge Amorim, Vitor Hugo Auzier Lima

Original Research Article

Activated Carbon as a Bone Substitute: Enhancing Mechanical and Morphological Properties in a Rat Tibia Defect Model

Matheus Lopes Publio, Gisele Aparecida Amaral-Labat, Patrícia Almeida Mattos, Ayres Fernando Rodrigues, Marília Lucas Siena Del Bel, Damião de Carvalho Pereira, Dominique Cavalcanti Mello, Vanessa de Souza, Guilherme Frederico Lenz e Silva, Vanessa Fierro, Alain Celzard, Rodrigo Labat Marcos

Functional Mobility Assessment after Unilateral Knee Arthroplasty: A Comparative Study of Two Prosthesis Types

Leonardo Pinheiro Rezende, Andrei Machado Viegas Trindade, Helder Rocha da Silva Araujo, Marcelo Rodrigues Torres, Ulric Araújo Vitória, Rodolfo Borges Parreira, Cláudia Santos Oliveira

Biomechanical Assessment of Patients with Unilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Preliminary Comparative Study

Andrei Machado Viegas Trindade, Leonardo Pinheiro Rezende, Cícero Antônio Dos Santos Júnior, Elias Santos Coimbra Batista, Fernanda Ribeiro Garcia, Gabriel Souza Camargo, Rodolfo Borges Parreira, Cláudia Santos Oliveira

Evaluation of the Therapeutic of the Standardized Dry Extract of Rhodiola rosea in Physical Activity Practiotioners

Larissa Jorge Coelho, Natália de Barros Teles, Maria Laura Martins, Klismam Marques dos Santos, Tayslane Dias Castro, Renata Junqueira Pereira, Guilherme Nobre Lima do Nascimento

Impact of Oral Health on the Quality of Life of the Elderly

Élida Lúcia Ferreira Assunção, Bruna Aparecida Neves Santos, Paôla Silva Ferreira, Kaio Henrique Soares, Maximino Alencar Bezerra Junior

Prevalence of Temporomandibular Disorders among Telemarketers: A Cross-sectional Study on Occupational Factors

Alcylene Carla de Jesus dos Santos, Maria Isabel Pereira Vianna, Laís Silva Ferreira, Fabiana Alves da Silva Xavier, Cid Andre Fidelis De Paula Gomes, Fabiano Politti, Daniela Aparecida Biasotto-Gonzalez

Radiofrequency Neurotomy as a Treatment Option for Non-surgical Chronic Hip Pain

Luis Roberto García Valadez, Jorge Aram Copca Santoyo, J. Manuel Sánchez, E. Samantha Zúñiga Vázquez, Sebastián Ortiz García

Is there a Correlation between Airways Dimensions and Transversal Dental Distances in Children with Different Growth Patterns?

Natália Raphael Duarte Lanna, Rodrigo Hermont Cançado, Felipe Weidenbach Degrazia, Leniana Santos Neves